
Yamuna the Merdiva

Instrument: Flute
Power Level: Merdiva 7
Special Powers: Mindspeak, Aura, Healing, Oracle.


Welcome to Harmonia,

Magical Land of Music!

This is the Grand Staff Station of the complex web of mushrooms that are connected to the mushroom portal in the north of Harmonia known as the Muna Doorway. This is the main gate for travel between the magical worlds. But only Wizards and Sorceresses can use it and only during the Lunarum when the full moons of Harmonia are aligned.

However, if one knows the correct spell which is a secret melody, one can travel to other stations or gates within Harmonia. But only the most skilled can undertake such a journey as the melodies are not only different for each gate, but always changing. The traveler risks getting stranded in the mushroom vortex until found by a wizard or sorceress.



Dando the Dragon

Instrument: Upright Bass, Percussion, Saxophone, Woodwinds, Voice
Power Level: Dragon Guardian 3
Note: D, Db, D#
Special Powers: Fire Spells, Subsonic Waves, Imaginating, Dreaming.


Eve the Elf

Instrument: Flute, Oboe, Viola, Hammered Duclimer, Voice
Power Level: Elf Guardian 4
Note: E, Eb, E#
Special Powers: Aura, Melodic and Harmonic Spells, Dreaming, Imaginating, Divination, Potions.


Flicksie the Faerie

Instrument: Violin, Viola, Piano, Voice
Power Level: Faerie Guardian 5
Note: F, Fb, F#
Special Powers: Aura, Melodic Spells, Dreaming, Imaginating, Illusion Spells, Healing, Amulets.
